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tv   Piers Morgan Tonight  CNN  November 24, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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from abuse of those alleviations. >> in a nation overflowing with so many pills, so many patients wanting and expecting the quick fix, so many truly naive prescribers, users and misusers of medication, we have to try to find a way to prevent people from taking a deadly dose. okay, stand by, piers. >> things have got pretty wild with some of my guests but nothing quite like this. what the hell's that? my studio's turned into a jungle. whoa! jack, am i going to die here? oh, my god, what's this? tonight, the one and only jack hanna and a few of his closest friends. >> he defecates on his legs to keep them cool. >> you know what, jack, too much information. >> if he bites you, it won't hurt bad. >> you know what? >> you won't believe this. this is the only one in the world to carry leprosy. >> now you tell me. never quite know what will happen next when jack hanna's in the house. he's got my notes.
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>> i'm sorry. that your notes? >> this is a very dangerous edition of "piers morgan tonight." good evening. welcome to a special "piers morgan tonight." as you can see, the studio looks a little different tonight. trust me, so will my guests that will be here over the course of the hour. we're talking cheetahs, foxes, owls, komodo dragons. i'm here with jack hanna, where anything can happen. jack hanna is director of the columbus zoo and aquarium and also the host of the emmy award winning jack hanna's into the wild and a new show called wild countdown. his tigers are literally eating my studio. we better get on with this. jack, welcome. jack, am i going to die here? >> you shouldn't die, but if you were going to die, these would be the animals that would do it. >> these are baby tigers? how old are they? >> siberian tigers, 13 weeks. >> at what age can they kill a man? >> about another 22 months. >> right.
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>> because at about 22 months, these animals weigh over 600 pounds. >> really? >> this is one of the rarest cats in the world, piers. there are less than some people say 400. there could be less than 200 left in that part of the world. they were hunted for their coats but the problem today, you can imagine this animal at 600 pounds. >> they look strong already. >> oh, they're very strong. they could literally put a hole through your arm right now. >> right. looks like he wants to. can they bite at this age? >> oh, yeah. they learn from each other. these animals are a species survival plan. what they are, they have chips in them. this animal, it could be another three to six months, could go to a zoo in europe, australia, wherever it might be that's an accredited zoo for the gene pool to keep them fresh because these animals are so rare that we have to know exactly what the breeding program will be for the creature. >> why are you not remotely scared of them? >> it's not a manner of -- you know, that's a good question. people ask me about scared. if i find myself afraid or scared, that means i'm doing the wrong thing. these guys know about the animals from the columbus zoo, where they were born, but they know the animal very well. i've been around them. i don't raise them like these
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guys do. but having raised tigers, my wife and i have raised tigers, lions, leopards, everything in our 40 years of marriage. so you kind of know cats when you do that much. you see how he's licking me? if that were a full grown tiger, piers, in less thoon ten minuan, he could lick me and just lick my arm to the bone. that's how rough that tongue becomes. >> really? >> like sandpaper beyond you have ever seen. >> when they get to the full size, how many of these are there left in the world? >> maybe 200 to 400. that's all. >> that's all there is? >> all there is. >> these are literally two of the last remaining siberian tigers. >> in the zoo world we do quite well with them. remember, when a tiger takes down like -- like in india, the bengal tiger, i've seen them take down a water buffalo in less than ten seconds. it's like a bomb going off. beyond anything like a grenade going off inside something. they are also one of the only cats in the world that when they can eat up to 30, 40 pounds at one sitting, even their stomachs can explode sometimes and kill the animal. plus most cats like lion will
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not eat petrified meat. >> what do you feed them with? >> this is a special diet we have for the cats. you heard that little growling? you hear that in the wild, your pants won't be dry. >> my pants aren't very dry at the moment, jack. i can tell you that. they may be small but when they're this close they are quite big. >> you appreciate now, see, that's what being here with you means a lot to us because now, because of millions of people you reach, you now are seeing one of the rarest creatures in the world, you can see the power we're talking about. you also can see the beauty of the animal. it would be a tragedy to see this animal go into extinction. there are several tiger species that have gone into extinction. that's not what we want to have happen. >> it would be a tragedy but a bigger tragedy would be if one of them ate me live on air. let's get a move on quite swiftly. >> we'll do it. >> nice to meet the tiger cubs. >> they were born at the columbus zoo about 13 weeks ago. >> we're going to bring out now -- what is this? >> this cat here is something that you could even hold this cat, probably. if he bites you, it won't hurt bad. >> you know what, you just hang on to the animals for now.
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>> if you have ever been to egypt, in the tombs, the pyramids -- >> like a sphinx face. >> that's right. pharaohs used to try to domes c domesticate this animal. you saw how big the tigers were? it won't get that thick. you see how thin it is. look at the ears of this cat. see why -- they didn't worship the animal but the animal represented royalty back then. i'm sure a lot of people lost their hands trying to domesticate this creature. what's unique, this is one of the only cats in the world that can jump ten feet in the air and catch a bird flying. they get in the grass, i have seen this twice in wild, they blend in so well, they live in the plains of kenya, tanzania, that part of the world, and they don't exist hardly up in egypt anymore. they lay down in there, watch for a bird and go popping up like that because their back legs -- >> ten feet is-- >> it's amazing. they can grab the bird flying by. it's a caracle cat.
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that gives him away, the ears. >> okay. what's next? we've got the -- what are these? >> this is amazing. this is a servile cat. this cat also is a cat -- this cat also's a cat that is from africa. this cat has the front legs and hind legs are different. he's one of the few cats in the world to catch a bird in free flight. this animal has, if you look at the back of the ears, you'll notice spots on the back of his ears. ow. you see that? those are called eye spots. see the spots? >> he wants to eat your hand. >> if this cat is sitting there eating something, a hyena comes up, they think he's looking backwards. hence they call them eye spots. how tame are these by comparison to a purely wild version? >> right now, as far as tame, this animal won't become a tame animal. we raise the animals, a lot of times the mothers don't raise them or whoever it might be, we raise them and they are still wild animals. people have to -- i had a famous
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trainer tell me once you can usually train a wild animal but never tame a wild animal. they are always going to be wild. >> this is a vulture? >> this is an egyptian vulture. come here, buddy. >> you are actually feeding the vulture raw meat. >> oh, yeah. >> so they really do eat raw meat. >> oh, yes, they do. >> can you smell him? >> i can smell him, yes. stinks. >> what he does, he defecates on his legs to keep him cool. >> you know what, jack? too much information. certain things i don't have to know about. i was quite liking this vulture until you told me that. >> that's why they spell. plus their head is bald -- >> they're ugly, they stink, they eat raw meat. tell me one good thing about the vulture. >> one good thing is -- >> useful contribution to society other than the defecation, the feeding on carcasses and the terrible smell. >> they clean up all the mess other animals don't eat. but guess what this animal does,
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though. >> kind of like a vacuum cleaner. >> he also takes a rock, he can take a rock and one of the few birds in the world can take the rock and open the ostrich egg. >> extraordinary. oh, my god. what's this? >> you remember you did a story with me -- >> i do. about alligators killing people, yes. all right, mate. yes, thank you. >> no. they can -- >> no, no, no. >> you're smart doing that. know why i say that? >> it's going to eat me. >> because on the ground they can jump four feet and outrun any man on earth for 20 yards. >> you're serious. >> yes. they're fast. this is a nice one. >> a nice one. >> if you look, they have two eyelids. >> how do you say a nice alligator. >> i don't mean nice. that's not fair. >> this could kill me, right? >> yes. but he's not going to right now. >> how do you know? >> i don't know that for sure but i don't think he should. i want to show you something. not many people can do this. grant here does a great job with this alligator.
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he will show you -- have you ever seen down alligators' throats? >> not lately, no. >> it's hard to do this. the power. if the cameras can see this. look down the throat there. you see that? you can't see down his throat like most animals. they're flat back there. that allows the alligator to go under water, open his mouth without choking on water. if a fish comes around, oh, that's a cave, let's go in there, bam. it's quick, they don't -- remember in the interview, they don't chew. they tear. >> i do remember that. >> he has sensors on the side of his head there. >> let's try to humanize him. what's his name? >> curly. >> how old do they live to be? >> 75, 100 years old. >> are alligators natural predators? would they attack if they're not challenged or scared? >> yes. no, not scared. but if you go around an alligator with youngsters -- they lay eggses, by the way. if you get next to an alligator nest and the eggs are in the ground, they don't sit in a
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nest, they're over here. if you get near it, it's one of the most aggressive animals in nature. you are gone if you get near an alligator nest. they lay 20, 30 eggs and the sex of the alligator is determined by the heat of the nest. i'm not sure if the male is hot. what is it? >> male is hot. >> a real hot nest, the eggs will be males. the gator also, we found, did research, we found boards, cans, tubes, everything inside these creatures because when they get hungry they will take apart anything. >> ever found human remains inside of curly? >> no. but i've done shows in malaysia where you wouldn't believe -- the crocodiles get to be 21, 22, 23, 24 feet long, over 2,000 pounds. you're talking about something much bigger than your stage here. >> i think we should go quickly to commercial break. >> you want to hold it? >> i don't want to hold curly, no. no. i think we're into a no touching zone on this show. when we come back, you will show us happy feet penguins, jack, and one of the oldest animals in the world. first, here's one of jack's top five animal close encounters. >> what are you doing?
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i'm back with the closest thing to a living dr. doolittle,
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it is jack hanna. he is introducing some of his friends to us tonight. bit of a ridiculous description given that we've had crocodiles and tigers. anyway, let's pretend they're furry friends. this is a friendly looking penguin. >> yes. this is a black-footed penguin. sometimes -- if you're ever on a game show and somebody asks how many species of penguins, you say 17. only five of the 17 live in cold weather. all the rest live in warm weather. >> really? >> yeah. people don't realize that. this is from south africa, it's a black-footed penguin or jackass penguin because it brays like a donkey. this one, by the way, is put on the endangered species list last july. >> how many penguins are left in the world? >> quite a few. except this one in south africa is listed as endangered about a year ago. it's an animal -- they don't really eat the penguin, by the way. they collect the eggs and feathers off the penguin but the animals also -- there are a lot of problems there. they have more feathers per square inch than any bird in the world, the penguins do.
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>> what's your favorite animal? >> my wife. that's pretty funny. she's not here. >> if i could say you live the rest of your life on a desert island with one animal, what would it be? >> having raised animals all my life, 50-something years, i would say i'm fascinated by cats, all kind of cats. the elephant -- i think the elephant -- we will soon find out the elephant is one of the most intelligent animals in the world, more than primates. >> if you could have one, what would you have? >> one. >> you would have a few of them. >> i would have to say an elephant is fascinating. >> a herd of elephants. >> when you see a herd of elephants in africa it's phenomenal. it's the second largest land mammal in the world. in 1978 there were about 1.4 million. today less than 375,000. so it's a major drop. >> nice to meet you, penguin. let's bring out the next animal, which is a gigantic tortoise. what's his name? >> jimmy. oh, i'm sorry. the tortoise. this is slowpoke.
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this animal is the kind of tortoise from the seychelles in northern africa. he gets to be 150 pounds. >> he's magnificent. >> they really are. that's what's wrong. turtle shell, we know what happens there, jewelry, all sorts of thing. this animal is a protected species. >> wow. what's this? >> put that one up there. good lord. no wonder you have to hold -- how did you even pick that thing up? this is the second largest tortoise in the world, up to 500 pounds. >> who would win if they had a fight? >> this one here. he's much bigger. these things can live, what is it, 200 years? >> 200 years old? >> yes. yes. the sailors in the 1500s, 1600s, 1700s, would put them in the hulls of their ship because they could last a year without food, water, nothing. they live that long. tell you what, the ship must have stunk. but these animals are a neat creature. >> he's heavy, right? >> yeah. this one here's a male. i think this is a male, too. bottom of the shell is flat.
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>> amazing animals. really amazing. >> the tortoise and the hare. they're not that slow. some people think they're that slow, but they're not. >> how long could they move if he wanted to? >> well, in the hotel room -- >> you had them in the hotel room? jack, you may not have the full ticket here, all the animals in a hotel room? >> who's this? >> make him do it.
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i don't know why i love this. i get the biggest kick out of it. my wife and i sit at home sometimes and -- >> what is this? >> laughing cuke aburrow. >> make him laugh again. >> doesn't that crack you up? that's hilarious. >> when you're out there in the bushes, my first time in australia, this goes off about 2:00 in morning you jump out of your sleeping bag. what the heck is that thing. this is a laughing kookaburra. a lot of people have them. >> does he like jokes? >> this is like -- >> check into the hotel room. back to the wallaby, this is one of the smallest mar soupial.
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there are 30 different types of wallaby. the wig dabig kangaroos, they s five, six feet toall. what do you call a big group of kangaroos? >> a mob, i think. >> that's right. >> so they eat grass and are a neat theater. >> he seems quite calm compared to the rest of these nut cases. >> i love that bird, though. >> this is one of the most prehistoric animals on earth, this one right here. got the batteries in it? >> what is this? >> this right here is a three-banded armadillo. >> you say batteries in it? >> that was a joke. you see there, one, two, three. >> what is this? >> three banded armadillo. there are seven banded, nine ban bands, 11 banded. people eat armadillos in this
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country as well. in south america they're one of the most endangered animals because the people cook it like a taco. he's also the only armadillo in the world that can close up so tight, not even an ant can penetrate that. only man and a jaguar can kill it. this is the only animal that carries leprosy. >> now you tell me! >> you think i'm joking about that. look it up when you go back to your room. not your room. >> i believe you. i just rather you tell me before i touched it. >> i usually tell people before they touch it. go ahead, buddy. >> we need to take a break while i have a leprosy test. >> next, the animal responsible for the worst bite of jack's life. can you guess what it was? we'll find out after the break. first, another of jack's top five animal close encounters.
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back now with jack hanna, the director emeritus of the columbus universe zoo. as you can see, he has brought some more company. a snow leopard. frisky one. >> for me -- you asked about the elephant. this will get about four times this size. they live in the himalayas. they live at altitude. >> when there's so few of them, how do they find another to mate with? >> that's just it. good point. they're solitary cats. when she cycles, there's not enough of them to even find the other cat. >> can they mix-mate with other breeds? >> no, not up there. that's been done before, lion and tiger, but not any other cats that i know of. this tail, you can touch the tail if you want to. the tail gets much bigger, like this thick. up there it's 40, 50 below zero, whatever. wow, that was cool, wasn't it? >> that's very cool. yeah.
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>> i'm sorry you don't have a hand there. i don't know who your cameraman is. please don't sue me. this animal takes his tail and wraps it around him, all the way around him like a jacket to keep his face warm, and the ears are very short because they would obviously freeze up there. this cat has also fur on the bottom of their feet. they can jump 30, 40 feet -- a lot up there. >> he likes to operate in the cold, right? >> colder the better, this cat. >> how does he deal with being in new york? >> we always keep them in air conditioning wherever the cat goes. >> where do you keep him at night? >> in the hotel room. >> are you serious? >> dead serious, yeah. i wouldn't lie about something like that. >> do you sleep? >> not much during the night. they don't sleep at all. they put me in another room. >> you ever get scared? no? not at all? >> the sad thing about this, on the black market this coat right now, if you can even find one, a guy got caught in europe last year, $80,000. >> for this coat. >> this coat right here. >> that's the tragedy, isn't it? >> it really is. today it is. back in the old days is one
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thing. this animal -- >> so beautiful. >> it's absolutely beyond any animal that i have worked with. the snow leopard is absolutely magnificent. it represents really what endangered species are all about. >> utterly beautiful. what a shame -- >> it really is. >> in a few years it could be all over. >> he also has a chip in him so he'll go in the ssp with the american zoo association. >> this is the slightly uglier end of the market. >> now, this is an animal right here that has been used by our settlers and pioneers years ago. the beaver. >> this is the beaver that bit your hand. >> this isn't the same beaver but this is like the one that did it. exactly like this. have you ever touched a beaver? >> no. is it wise given that you had your -- >> back here you can touch him. i just picked him up the wrong way is all i did. anyway -- >> bit rougher. >> right. but the beaver's a unique animal. see his tail?
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this tail is -- when people hear the beaver, they talk about the beaver slapping the water. >> like an alligator. is he happy with that apple? >> he wants more to eat. >> just don't put your hand near him. >> do they eat meat? >> no. he won't know your hand. he'll think your hand's an apple or something. >> that's really comforting. >> this tail slaps the water and that warns other animals in the area. >> he stinks too, jack. >> how do you know? can you smell him? >> i can smell him. he absolutely stinks. >> did he go to the bathroom? >> no. that's me. >> they usually don't smell -- they go to the bathroom, it smells. >> this animal bit your thumb, right? is that the worst injury you've had? >> one of the worst yeah. i've been sat on by an elephant but 99% of the time there's an accident, it's the person's fault. not the animal's fault. if you can see the back foot, i don't know if he'll let you do that, it's a webbed foot like a
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duck almost. it's a webbed foot. that back foot. that's how they swim. also, beaver -- do you have beavers in england? >> i think so, yeah. all right, calm down. >> get another look at him. what have we got here? >> i have never done this on any show before. there are all kinds of foxes, red, gray. this is the smallest one in the world from the sahara desert. it has big ears not just to hear with. they have blood vessels in their ears to keep them cool in the desert like a dog has a tongue, your temperature is 98.6. the elephant has big ears to keep it cool. this animal can go his whole life in the desert without drinking water. scorpions, snakes, lizards. >> without ever drinking water? >> water comes from what he eats. >> it eats insects and spiders that have water in them? >> yes. big black scorpions? that's what he loves to eat. this is the smallest fox in the world. this fox here, this is -- which is that one? both these, right? okay. the swift fox which is one of the rarest, very endangered in our country. it goes 30 to 40 miles an hour, the fastest fox in the world.
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full grown, this one right here. they're a very social creature. they take care of the sick, the old and the young first. when you say cunning like a fox, these things are bright. swift foxes in this country, very few people get to see. smallest fox in the world. beautiful animals. this right here, though, this is the largest owl in the world. the eurasian eagle owl. >> the biggest owl in the world. >> >> if you're ever asked a question on a game show, what animal is found on every continent except antarctica. he isn't even full grown yet. you want to hold him? you can hold him. >> i will let your guy hold him. >> one thing you want to do is have a glove. you see the talons? a bald eagle has 1,000 pounds of pressure per square inch. if that was a bald eagle, it would go through his skin,
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into the muscle, break his bone in a split second. that's how powerful the talons are. see how he turns his head like a corkscrew. the reason is his eyes are so big, they cannot move in the eye socket. if you see a pretty girl go by, you go like this without your wife seeing you. well, he can't do that. his eyes are so big he has to move his whole head around. he can't turn it all the way around or his head would fall off, but he can go almost all the way around. also, they're the bird of silent flight. if i were to fly him one inch over your head you would never hear anything. a parrot or goose or -- >> really? completely silent? >> silent flight. one last thing. they call them a wise old owl not because they have a big brain. it's because their senses of hearing and eyesight, this animal's ears are over here on the side of his head like a soup bowl like this. the echo location he picks up, he can hunt in total darkness. >> amazing creatures. -. >> a lot of people don't get to
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see an owl like this. >> actually very dangerous in their own way. >> they can be, yes. but also, they are good at controlling rodents. a barn owl can take out 30 mice in an hour in a barn. they are protected species in our country, the owl. >> when we come back, the fastest animal on the planet. first, another of jack's top five closest animal encounters. >> if you look up now, look up there, all the bird nests. >> those are bats up there. >> bats and birds. both. >> let's keep moving. folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico sure are happy. how happy, ronny? happier than gallagher at a farmers' market. get happy. get geico. chances are, you're not made of money, so don't overpay for motorcycle insurance. geico, see how much you could save.
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usain bolt is hands-down the fastest human the world has ever known but i wonder how he would fare against the animal jack hanna has just brought out. we seem to have a large fully formed cheetah. >> this animal goes 70 miles an hour. if you're in the car going 65 miles an hour -- we clocked him at 70. his eyesight is impeccable. two miles away he can spot his prey. look at the eyes, you notice the dark marks under his eyes like a football player, baseball player, when you look at direct light like i am right now? mother nature invented that
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because cheetah is the only cat to hunt in the middle of the day. 110 degrees outside. they've got to. the only cat in the world, this is an amazing shot, with non-retractible claws. every cat in the world can retract their claws but a cheet cheetah. it's like a dog foot that allows him to run even faster. when they do make a hit, 50, 60 miles an hour, 60% of the time the animal gets away. i'm here, don't worry. maybe you should worry. anyway -- >> this is the first time i really felt quite intimidated. close up, this is a big beast. >> see why in the wild, i tell you we film in the comfort zone of me and the animal. this animal is still a wild animal but he was born in one the most fantastic places out of the zoo. >> how would this kill? >> this would kill basically in the wild, it has to grab the throat and do the choke hold. once they do that, they sit there for five to ten minutes.
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the sad thing is, what happens, if they move in to kill, buzzards and vultures circle over. the hyenas and lions are sleeping. they go the cheetah made the kill and sometimes the lion will eat the cheetah. this animal has a tough time in nature. >> the lion will kill the cheetah and eat it. >> yes. that's not a very common thing but they will do that. >> can a lion kill anything, basically? >> the king of beasts. it can kill just about anything. be a tough time with the elephants. egyptians we know also -- >> so they prefer to be alone. >> yes. oh, yeah. unless she has her cubs which stay with her three to four years. the egyptians also, this is another cat the egyptians actually tried to domesticate. now it exists nowhere in northern africa. where the equator goes through kenya, that's where you start finding the cheetah. >> how can your trainers be so relaxed?
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>> because these folks -- the cheetah on her first birth much cubs she'll eat them or destroy them or let them go. we knew that, but they were born four weeks early. this is one of four. we've saved two of them. right now, we breed 10 or 12 cheetahs a year. it's 10,000 acres we have next to the columbus zoo. it's a beautiful creature. hear that noise there? that's purring. >> over 100 meters, if it was this cheetah against usain bolt, who would win? >> you or me? >> usain bolt, the sprinter from the olympics. who would win? >> this guy here. >> he wouldn't get ten feet. when we film it's three cameras. we can't take one. three cameras can't even film the cheetah kill. it's like this and the cat turns at 50 miles an hour like that, hits its prey, it's like a cloud of dust. >> there is no faster animal in the world? >> the peregrine falcon, that's 220 miles an hour. >> in terms of land -- >> that's the fastest in the world.
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>> it's an amazing, amazing creature. >> again, for you to see that, piers, means a lot to us because now you see the fastest animal in the world, a cheetah. >> i've never been this close to an animal where you feel the power. this isn't really one of the big cats but i can feel the surging power and aggression. >> next time i come, i'll bring a full-grown tiger. >> what makes you believe there will be a next time? it >> you see the tail? the tail is like a sail on a sailboat. going 60 miles an hour, that tail will help him turn. >> absolutely amazing. indisputably probably the ugliest, the wart hog. here he comes. >> some people say the wildebeast was all the leftover parts. >> it is a very ugly animal, isn't it? i know you love animals. you must agree this is a particularly ugly specimen. >> he's something. the wart hog, see the warts on his face? those warts when this -- turn
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his face that way. when he gets full grown, the warts get all over his face. they protect him when they fight sometimes. plus, his teeth, like ivory, come out of his mouth like two knives. those things are very important for him to help protect himself if a lion were to attack. the wart hog is the main source of food for these animals because the wart hog spends 60% of his life on his knees. usually the wart hog is on his knees eating grasses and that kind of stuff. but the wart hog also is an important animal for other animals -- >> how much milk do they drink a day? >> he's weaned now. >> look at the tail. see that little tail? that tail will stick up like this. when you go to africa, if that animal does this, it starts running, all the other animals, giraffes, any animals around, they will see this and take off because they know the wart hog has sensed something. they're very bright animals. they know when something bad is coming around. he is eaten by a lot of animals. he digs holes in the ground.
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so the hyena comes in and takes over their holes. people don't think are bright but the hog or pig is an intelligent creature. >> extraordinary. >> next, a couple of the cutest little critters you will ever see. but first, another of his animal close encounters with a malaysian cobra. >> and the movement. and see how they strike. >> the end of this snake show was just as amazing. >> you going to catch him? >> yep. >> wow!
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back with jack hanna, who started turning my studio into a slice of madagascar. we have been joined by this vast bear-like creature. what is this? >> this is a bearcat. i don't know if you can kneel, only because of the camera. they can get a better shot. that's great. this animal is what i call a wolverine. we have a wolverine in this country which is pound for pound the most fearless animals in our country. but this has been around from malaysia. this tail right here is a prehensile tail. if that tail gets around your
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neck he can do you in in 30, 60 seconds. that's how powerful it is. he would not do that, but he has big teeth, his whiskers are there. he's nocturnal, lives in the incredible jungles there. he feels with whiskers in total darkness to move around. he can't see. he smells like popcorn, he smells -- >> he smells exactly like popcorn. we get so hungry in the truck when we're driving around with him. because he smells like popcorn. those claws can tear apart anything. plus, do you remember seeing the cobra there? >> do you guys never get bitten? >> yeah, but again, they raise the animals. they know these are wild animals. for educational purposes, we want to bring them on, especially the honor of coming to your show tonight, to teach people about these creatures. some people shoot the animal because he might eat chickens or something. but the good lord created creatures for a certain reason. this is one of the most spectacular. they call him bearcat because he feels like a bear. you ever touch a bear? >> no. >> that's stupid. >> no. it's sensible. >> it looks part bear/part cat.
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not many people have ever seen a bearcat. >> amazing creature. thank you very much. next we have i think -- >> i hope you remember -- all i remember about the palm civet is its droppings are used to fertilize coffee. >> he eats the coffee bean, goes in his stomach, through his intestines, on the ground with a film coating. they take it, bake it, sell it for $500 a pound, coffee. imagine that? supposed to be medicinal. this animal here, you remember about ten years ago, sars killed people? this is the animal caused the sars disease. not this animal, this species. it's a delicacy in asia, sells for $200 at a restaurant. they also use the fur and use underneath the armpits for perfume in the early 1940s and '50s. but the animal also loves, as i told you before, like the other one loves to eat cobras as well. this little creature could eat a king cobra. how does he do that? when a cobra strikes at you he
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goes like this. not like a rattlesnake. he goes like this. you can predict it. this animal comes down on the ground starts walking around the cobra. so the cobra is like this trying to get him. all of a sudden this little creature runs around the cobra like this and the cobra is the cobra gets so dizzy he falls over and bites the cobra's head off. it's funny. >> unbelievable. >> that's how he kills it! makes him go round and round till he's dizzy. >> this animal here is one you've heard about. this is the siberian lynx. >> easy, mate. >> just holding him a bit loose for my liking in case he decides to -- >> jump on him. this animal here, sorry to say, some species animals was
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declared extinct in the wild about a year ago. you don't see that very often. the siberian lynx is doing pretty good in the zoos. he was hunted for his coat. he sees himself in that monitor right there. he sees something there. >> seeing me at the moment. a look of hunger in its eyes. >> if you guys can focus on his back foot here a second, right in here, you see how flat that back foot is, perfect, this foot right in here. you see that foot there? this animal runs on the whole back part, not on the pad, the whole thing here. this is what he runs on. the whole back thing. it's like a snowshoe. >> amazing. >> it's like a snowshoe. >> runs flat almost. >> exactly. this animal would sink in the snow. but this animal was hunted for their coats.
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that's no longer the case. it's a buffalo -- t it's a beautiful -- >> now we have the -- >> he can jump on you if you want him to. >> to every question, it's no. >> the lemur is a presimien. look at the hands there. just like your hand. isn't that amazing? you can imagine -- it's only from madagascar. that's where they live. >> they are human hands? >> exactly. >> he's got my notes. >> those are your notes? i'm sorry. but he's also marking your notes. he has little glands on here that he marks his territory with. he can't hang by this tail but it weighs less than -- >> all right. >> we call him larry the lemur.
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>> jack hanna's number one top five close encounters. >> i stepped in for a closer look when suddenly -- >> oh! [ male announcer ] citi turns 200 this year. in that time there've been some good days.
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we're back with jack hanna and me, crocodile morgan. this lizard is fantastic. this has the longest tongue of anything i've ever seen in my life. >> what he's doing, he's feeling -- he feels your body temperature. that's -- >> is he feeling that i'm hot? >> that's exactly right. >> he feels your warm blood. >> he picks up the particles -- >> what's the tongue doing? >> feeling the warm particles coming off that tongue. these animals, the bite is usually lethal. not venomous but the bacteria in their mouth. the bacteria in these animals is deadly. this one lives in water. they have little teeth up in there -- i don't know why he's
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picking up on you and not me. you must be hotter than me. that's one of the biggest lizards in the world. >> remarkable creature. oh, my god. what's this? whoa. >> you remember we talked about the anaconda? >> you saw the one that almost bit me -- >> you've got an anaconda wrapped around your neck. are you mad? >> this snake here, if it were to bite you -- remember this in case it happens to you -- it bites you like this, it cannot let go. it takes him 30 minutes to relax his jaw muscle. if you're hiking somewhere and a constrictor bites you, you sit there -- >> not now, jack. >> he's not going to do anything right now. >> what is he doing right now? >> he's smelling you. >> for the kill or what? >> no. what he does, remember this, this snake gets to be about 25
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to 30 feet long. >> the anaconda constricts like the -- >> yes. >> why is it around his neck? >> this thing knows he can't kill this guy. >> it knows it can't kill him. >> yeah, this animal knows -- he doesn't know he's a human. he's an animal he's too big to eat. >> how much does this come down to trust? >> trust? you don't trust -- as far as trust, this guy here has to know what his animals are. >> can you ever trust his wild anima animals? in the end, they will do what comes naturally. >> hey! never have i wanted to end the show more than i do right now. jack, it's been -- i wish i could say it's been a pleasure. it's been an experience. >> i'll shake your hand. >> jack, it's been fascinating.